Upon approval of a commission inquiry or proposal, payment will be discussed and the first payment must be made. Artisans of Jiang Atelier have the right to choose their own payment plans from the options listed:
Client must pay 100% of the commission price up front before the start of the commission in order for the commission work to commence
Client must pay 100% of the commission price after the initial sketch/draft of the commission by the Artisan is approved by the Client
Client must pay 50% of the commission price up front before the start of the commission, and then the remaining 50% of the commission price at the end of the commission before files are delivered in order to receive the final files.
For orders worth over $500 the option for Client must pay 20% of the commission price up from before the start of the commission, and then the remaining 80% in 4 payments before files are delivered in order to receive the final files is an option.
Jiang Atelier Terms of Service: Commissions
Jiang Atelier accepts Paypal, STRIPE, and credit card. Artisans have the right to accept private personal commissions and may charge different prices for private personal commissions.
The Client and Jiang Atelier must both be communicative during the commission. If the Client fails to reply to the recent update within 7 business days, the commission will give the Artisan full creative freedom to continue the updates, or the commission will be terminated. If it was the Client that failed to communicate, there will be no refund. If it was Jiang Atelier or the Artisan that failed to communicate, an option for a refund of 20% will be given to the Client and the Artisan must finish the commission. If the Artisan does not reply at all after 14 business days, a 100% refund will be given and the Artisan may be removed from the Atelier.
Refund of commissions that have not been started within 31 business days of completed payments can be refunded. Refunds of partially completed artwork can be given partial refunds at the discretion and percentage rates of the Artisans involved. The Artisans involved will determine how much of the commission is completed and how much of the cost can be potentially refunded. Refunds of completed work will not be given and are non negotiable.
All materials, criteria, and specifications of the product/service commission must be provided in the commission inquiry or proposal before the start of the commission work. It is the right of the Artisan to decide to apply a fee for minor changes after the start of the commission or not. Moderate to massive changes to the commission inquiry or proposal will undoubtedly incur a fee, dictated by the Artisan. The Client is responsible for any additional fees incurred from moderate to massive changes.
Clients must communicate and try their best to resolve a situation with the Artisans involved before ever considering a refund or chargeback. In the event of chargeback, the Client will lose all rights to the commissioned artworks, regardless of the result of the disputed Case. In the event of chargeback, the Artisans involved have the rights to profit or use the product or service that was chargebacked in any way the Artisans see fit.
Jiang Atelier and its Artisans have the right to charge additional fees on top of the quoted base price given to the Client in order to cover the cost of taxes, cost of add-ons, or cost of complexity.
If an artwork is AI generated or AI assisted, it must be stated in the initial consultation that it used AI. The Client must show how they generated the images and what sources they used for the AI. The Artisan will deem this ethical or unethical and has the right to accept or reject the artwork.